Blockchain Masternodes Payee Links: - Tor - I2P

TRC Ninja info
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Global Statistics

Total supply for last 24h: ????.?????? TRC (????.?????? TRC for masternodes, ???% blocks paid, ???% of total blocks paid correctly [??% and latest protocol/block version]).

Per Version Statistics (last 24h)

Blocks Amount Paid blocks All blocks Paid blocks (Incorrect ratio) Paid blocks (Correct ratio)
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Per Miner Statistics (last 24h)

If you are a pool operator and see your pool is not showing green background everywhere below:

Problem Solution
Bold red pool name/pubkey You need to update BOTH:
Remark: Failing to update BOTH will result in your blocks not been accepted as of next enforcement).
Red background (Paid to current protocol field) You need to update your terracoind wallet software to latest version (check this page)
Orange background (MN Payment ratio field) You need to update your mining software to include correct masternode payment ratio (it is an easy change): Check this page
Yellow background Should not be a problem (most probably you fixed one of the previous problems and the page is catching up).

Don't hesitate in coming to Mattermost for help if needed.
REMARK: Failing to implement solution described means your blocks will be rejected by the network in the near future (= no payment).

(Pubkey if unknown)
MN Paid
MN Paid
Total Supply MN Payment MN Payment Ratio Paid to latest version Paid Correctly
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Blocks Detail (last 24h)

Date Found Height Found by Difficulty Gen+Fees MN Payment MNP Ratio
MN Payee Masternode version Block PrivateSend
mixing Transactions
Mempool PrivateSend
mixing Transactions
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