Governance Objects Monitoring Links: - Tor - I2P

TRC Ninja info
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Next Superblock

Next super-block height:???

Expected on:???
Time left:???
Providing:???.?????? TRC

Unallocated:???.?????? TRC

Governance proposals
Vote deadline:???
Time left:???

Valid proposals:???
Funded proposals:???
Funded amount:???
Budget proposals info

A governance proposal is valid if the fee was payed and it was submitted to peers successfully.

A governance proposal is funded (will get paid on next super-block if enough funding available in next super-block.

Budget Proposals Detail
Date Added Name Start End Amount Votes Yes Votes No Votes Abstain Total Ratio Valid Funded Last Seen
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Expected Super Block (Triggers)
Trigger Hash Block Height Position Budget Name Budget Payment
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Super Blocks History
Date Found Height Found by Proposal Name Payment Amount Payment Address
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